From the Artist
So I think this happened to a lot of artists of my generation. We wanted to paint dragons, draw comic books, illustrate the fun stories in our heads. And someone came along and said, that’s not art, paint this bowl of fruit. And then we got to pick an artist to do a report on or painting like. And we found someone like Dali. A name that was recognized by the “art institutions”, but it was weird, and strange, and fantastical. So we did some work like his.
That is why I needed to do a strange portrait of Dali, to honor a great artist who said I could be weird when the world told me not to be.
Lets also try to make the world a better place and try not to be so judgmental about art, creators, and artists.
About Michael Bielaczyc

Michael Bielaczyc has been working professionally in the art field since 2001 when he founded Aradani Studios with his brother Paul. Together they have exhibited across America selling both their artwork and costuming. He works in many mediums from oil paint to latex prosthetics, video to graphite.
In 2012, Michael started Lone Wanderer Entertainment with his long time friend Dane Clark Collins to publish books based in their dark fantasy world – Atheles. Since then he has authored 4 books and created the SagaBorn RPG system.