Elven Battle
Dark ReturnArt Print SIZE Print Orders fulfilled by Aradani From the Artist An Orovari and Evantari elf face off deep in a northern forest. The two cultures have long despised each other, and battles like this are common.
Dark ReturnArt Print SIZE Print Orders fulfilled by Aradani From the Artist An Orovari and Evantari elf face off deep in a northern forest. The two cultures have long despised each other, and battles like this are common.
WoW Art Print SIZE Print Orders fulfilled by Aradani From the Artist I did this piece for the Smart School portfolio review. The Art Director from Blizzard attended the class and gave us assignments with a style guide. We had one week to finish the piece, and then it was critiqued. I was pretty happy … Read more
TITLE Art Print SIZE Print Orders fulfilled by Aradani From the Artist An orange moon rises, and the crows are floating in the cool breeze. It’s the best time, it’s Fall… which means Halloween is near!
Cat Art Print Print Orders fulfilled by Aradani From the Artist A few years back at the Ohio Renaissance Festival, I was missing my old cat familiar, Trouble. So this image just popped in my head, and it ended up being quite a popular little piece.
Art Print Fantasy Art Orders fulfilled by Aradani From the Artist Pandora Unbound, oil on canvas, 30×40. 2009. This painting is the companion of Prometheus Unbound, this time critiquing the myths around women. Pandora came to earth and brought a box (or cauldron in the original myth) in which she opened and let loose all … Read more
Art Print SIZE Print Orders fulfilled by Aradani From the Artist When I painted this in 2007, it was a turning point for me in art and personal acceptance. The painting’s intention was to hold a mirror up to the misconception of the male gender and masculinity. Now, we have all learned and grown so … Read more
Red Dragon Art Print SIZE Print Orders fulfilled by Aradani From the Artist In 2003, I started my professional art journey by purchasing a Wacom Tablet and I painted a Red Dragon. Ten years after that I revised this painting, this time recreating it as an oil painting. The Red Dragon stares out over the … Read more
Steampunk Dragon Art Print SIZE Print Orders fulfilled by Aradani From the Artist An original oil painting, the Clockwork Dragon was painted at the height of the Steampunk craze in the 2000’s. I took heavy inspiration from the Gnome Clockwork creatures from Everquest. More About The Art Steampunk clockwork dragons are a fusion of fantasy … Read more
Breaking of the World Art Print Orders fulfilled by Aradani From the Artist A drawing for the T-Shirt design for JordanCon 2020, which sadly didn’t happen! But now you can own a print of the art.