Art Sale for Vespa


Vespa is a 2 month old kitten who was part of the feral colony we are getting neutered at the Studio. After her spay, she has had mobility issues. I am working with vets to get her fixed up and finding her a home. The vet bills are expensive and unexpected this season, so any art sold will go 100% to fund her recovery.

Use coupon code: vespa

Use the code during checkout on any art in my store (or down below) to get 20% off. Or you can donate if you don’t need art but love kittens:

Long Story

About a month ago, we noticed a younger cat on our back porch that looked like she may be pregnant. Sara (my sister) and I decided that we should capture it and see if we could help get it spayed and maybe adopted. That little idea has turned into quite the adventure! It wasn’t just one little cat around our studio; it was a whole colony!

Since then, we have captured and neutered four female cats and two male cats! We still have traps out to make sure we get all the intact cats in the area to help with the feral cat population. We have also set up some little shelters for them to keep warm in winter, and provide food and clean water for them.

So, how does Vespa fit in? Well, she is one of the two kittens that we had seen. We caught her on a Monday (2-17-25) and took her to Pet Community Center, our wonderful low-cost local spay/neuter/vax clinic. When we got Vespa back on Tuesday, they informed me that she had a limp and didn’t really use her right paw. They gave me some meds, and asked if I could keep her inside for a week. On Thursday I transferred her into a larger dog crate, and I noticed that she was having some real mobility issues, way more than a paw she didn’t like to use. She was pulling herself around and her back legs were awkward. I at first thought it was the meds the clinic had given, but on Friday morning, I took her to my normal full service vet. The vets had her for 3 hours and had multiple vets look at her. I also had full X-rays done. They called and said that she seemed fine enough, nothing was broken, and she seemed in good spirits. I got a prescription for Gabapentin and was told to contact if she got worse. Today, on Monday, she is still in good spirits, and able to crawl for food, but she seems less interested in being mobile, so back to the vets tomorrow.

For Vespa

I plan on doing what is needed to make this girl as happy and as healthy as possible. Since this is the slow time of year for Aradani, and vet bills are, well, vet bills, I thought maybe I could do an online sale to help cover some of these. I will use all the profits from these sales towards her vet bills, and if there is anything else over the cost of the bills, I will be donating it to Pet Community Center for all the great work they do taking care of animals who typically aren’t cared for. For those who wish, I’ll post a public thank you below to those who participate in the sale.

Here is a video showing what the movement is like when she scoots to her food. I am not looking for diagnoses; I am working with vets and other local clinics to help figure out what it is, but I wanted to share what she needs to overcome.

Vespa eating this morning.
Vespa in her favorite spot, a shoulder sling, napping in my lap as I post this.

What all is discounted? All the art below! Coupon Code: vespa

Check back later as I add art all week long!